
Common Aikido Translations 

Word  Translation
 Sensei  Teacher
 Renshi  Samurai title - man of high attainment/highly skilled
 Master teacher
 Dojo  Training hall
 Ukemi  Break fall
 Uke  One who takes break fall
 Nage  One who performs technique
 Tatami  Mat
 Ki-Dogi  Aikido training suite (uniform)
 Hakama  Divided pleated trousers (usually worn by dan
 Taninsu Waza  Many opponents techniques
Hanmi Handachi 
 One sitting/One or multiple attacking
 Hidari  Left
 Nigi  Right
 Tai Sabaki
 Body movement (Tenkan)
 Tai No Henka  Posture changing (Tenkan)
 Aiki Otoshi
 Aiki Drop
 Shikko  Knee walking
 Tekuri Shindo  Wrist shaking
 Tegatana  Hand blade
 Ayumi Ashi  Walking
 Tan Doku Dosa  Solo practice
 Maii  Distance (between partners)
 Ikkyo  1st principle of aikido
 Nikkyo  2nd principle of aikido
 3rd principle of aikido
 Yonkyo  4th principle of aikido
 Gokyo  5th principle of aikido
 Four direction throw
 Kote Gaeshi
 Wrist out turn
 Kote Mawashi
 Wrist in turn
 Katame Waza  Holding down technique
 Entering throw
 Kaiten Nage
 Spiral/Rotary throw
 Heaven and earth throw
 Suwari Waza
 Sitting or kneeling  technique
 Koshi Waza
 Hip technique
 Hip throw
 Backward iriminage (Sendo Exercise)
 Kokyu Ho
 Breath power
 Kokyu Dosa
 Breath exercise practice
 Kokyu Nage
 Breath throw
 Tanto  Knife
 Tanto Tori
 Knife taking
 Jo  Staff/Stick
 Jo Tori  Staff Taking
 Jo Taijutsu
 Staff throwing
 Staff against staff (pairs practice)
 Wooden sword
 Bokken against bokken (pairs practice)
 Long sword (live blade)
 Short sword (live blade)
 Iaido  Training sword (suitable for Iaido practice)
 Chikara No Dashikata
 Extension or power
 Kyu  Beginner/pupil
 6th Kyu
 White belt
 5th Kyu  Yellow belt
 4th Kyu
 Orange belt
 3rd Kyu
 Green belt
 2nd Kyu
 Blue belt
 1st Kyu
 Brown belt
 1st Dan black belt
 2nd Dan black belt
 3rd Dan black belt
 4th Dan black belt
 5th Dan black belt
 6th Dan black belt
 7th Dan black belt
 8th Dan black belt
 Kyu Dan
 9th Dan black belt